Latest News
Read the latest news, offers and aesthetic treatment advice from EH Medical Cosmetics.
The Power of Collagen: From Skin to Joints
In recent years, collagen has emerged as a buzzword in health and beauty circles, gaining popularity for its myriad benefits that stretch from skin health to joint function. Elizabeth Harris on the Isle of Wight delves into the importance of this remarkable protein...
The Surprising Truth About How We All Age
Elizabeth Harris, Medical Aesthetic Nurse specialist on the Isle of Wight, explains the biological ageing process, how it affects us, and provides the most progressive developments in treatments. Most of my patients are concerned about the effects of age-related...
Introducing the Only Observ 520X® Skin Analysis System on the Isle of Wight. This Will (Literally) Get under Your Skin!
I've got some exciting news to share with you today. After careful consideration, I've decided to bring a cutting-edge skin analysis system into my clinic. It's called the OBSERV® 520x Skin Analysis device, and it's going to revolutionise the way I understand and...
Why Are Facial Fillers So Effective in Combating the Signs of Ageing?
Elizabeth Harris explains how soft tissue/dermal/lip fillers are used safely and effectively in her Medical Aesthetics clinic in Cowes on the Isle of Wight in order to give the results seen on her patient seen here. When you reach (ahem!) a certain age the face will...
Menopause – Protecting and Repairing Your Skin in Your 40’s and Beyond
It is never too early to prepare and protect your skin ready for the inevitable, but if like me, you have not been concerned about ‘the change’ until it has become an imminent, current, or ongoing concern, then fear not as there are many medical (oral, topical and...
The Importance of Skin Care in Your 20s and 30s
If you are lucky enough to be reading this article in your 20s or 30s, this will be of particular interest to you When we are young collagen makes up 80 percent of our skin. Up until now your body has naturally produced collagen in abundance, but sadly production...
Understanding Injectable Treatments for Lines and Wrinkles
The Ageing Face I am sure by now we are all too familiar with this simple fact: the face changes as you age. This not only happens as a result of ageing skin and wrinkles, but also due to changes in bone structure. One cause of this ‘change’ is bone resorption, which...